Mural Restoration

Mural Restoration for Las Vegas Buildings and Historical Sites

Restore Your Las Vegas Mural with FACL's Expert Services

Whether it's adorning the walls of Las Vegas buildings, ceilings, or outdoor spaces, Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL) is here to help bring your mural back to its original beauty. 

We specialize in preserving
Las Vegas murals and Vegas artwork for future generations, keeping Las Vegas’ unique artistic landscape vibrant and intact.

paintbrush icon

Anti-Graffiti Mural Protection and Weatherproofing

this mural restoration was possible due to the Mural Guard protective coating on the artwork

Our anti-graffiti protection services use Mural Guard protective coating, allowing your mural to resist graffiti and the harsh desert elements. 

With over 30 years of experience, our team is well-versed in the specific challenges
Las Vegas murals face, including intense sunlight and extreme temperature shifts.

Comprehensive Mural Restoration Services for Las Vegas Murals:

  • Crack and blister repair
  • Anti-graffiti protection 
  • Graffiti removal
  • Water damage repair
  • Fire damage repair
  • Mold and mildew removal
  • Insect damage repair
  • Color matching and touch-ups
  • mural storage

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A woman retouching a large mural with biblical subject matter

Historic Buildings

A white man pointing to a spot on a Banksy mural of a rat with a cap and spraypaint can in its hands

Any Medium

A large mural on canvas of whimsical circus animals is laid out on a long table. A woman is standing in the background with a palette.


Why Choose FACL for Your Las Vegas Mural Restoration?

When you choose FACL for your mural restoration needs, you’re entrusting your Vegas artwork to insured, bonded professionals.

We work closely with insurance providers to help you recover mural repair costs, making the process as seamless as possible. Plus, we welcome client involvement at every step and stand behind our work with a satisfaction guarantee.

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories is dedicated to preserving the art that colors Las Vegas buildings and historical sites, ensuring the city’s murals continue to tell their stories for years to come.

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